Click, please, on this LINK to visit the photogalleries 

about the project meeting in Riga, Latvia

or click on the photos below:


Official Presentation by the Greek Team

Riga-Latvia ( 26.02 - 02.03.2018) The Market- Farewell Party


Video, created by the Greek team about:

"Giselle" at the Latvian National Opera:
On the last day of this Εrasmus+ meeting in Riga, the teachers had the opportunity to watch Giselle, the most moving story of classical ballet, in the impressive building of the Latvian National Opera. 


The Greek team about the meeting in Riga-Latvia

 (26.02 - 02.03.2018) 

Countdown "Did you know...?"

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This communication reflects the views only of the author. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.